I just had an epiphany..

So I'm up at 3 am having a full on VH1 marathon since it seems as if they are focusing on music tonight. Yeah , I know it may have been a fluke, but it's definitely a million times better than those cheesy love reality shows. I watched Behind the Music of Pink, Lil Wayne, and 50 cent then Hip Hop Honors Def Jam's 25th Anniversary. I'm so happy Behind the Music is back because when I was younger I probably watched every BTM. Oh the good ol days, when music channels were all about music. Can you tell I'm no longer a fan of today's music channels?

Anyways, I say all of that because I got to thinking while sitting on the couch in my apartment, you know these artists have passion for what they do. Something I don't have anymore. See I gave up my role on a D-1 basketball to focus more on my studies. I know it was the best decision for me, but basketball was a part of my identity since I was in 3rd grade. So giving that up, left me feeling like a piece of me was gone. And if you've ever walked away from something extremely important in your life, you know where I'm coming from.

I found myself as a regular student (no offense to the regular students) with a lot of free time that I wasn't used to. No more structure to my day and my schedule didn't revolve around practice or games. And now I'm procrastinating more and more and bored if I'm not in class or doing work.

I recently had a conversation with a really good friend of mine, who is going through similar time. We talked about how weird it feels to be without our sport and how bad we need a hobby or more than one. But what could I do? A wii? Knitting?

And then at 3 am, it hit me! Relaunch my blog. It was just that simple. And though it can't fill that void completely, but it would be great in addition to all the other extracurriculars I'm apart of.


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